Breathwork is here to stay

Breathwork works at work

Since the global pandemic took our collective breath away, the popularity of breathing practices has increased tenfold… and for good reason.

With the knowledge and practices of breathwork come a lot of benefits, not just for individuals, but for organisations too. Offering an online coaching session, day-long workshop, or on-going programme for your staff won’t just give them an entertaining, relaxing and invigorating team-building experience, it can offer a revolution in self-understanding.

The benefits for

  • Decrease stress and anxiety
    (in the short AND long term)

    Enhance focus and clarity

    Increase inspiration

    Interrupt negative thought patterns

    Enhance neural networks

    Increase capacity for emotional self-regulation at the neurological level

    Improve confidence and self-direction

    Boost positivity and drive

    Become more present

  • Improve sleep quality

    Strengthen respiratory muscles

    Balance the nervous system

    Increase circulation

    Improve oxygen delivery

    Control blood PH

    Balance blood pressure

    Overhaul heart rate variability

    Relieve muscular tensions

    Invigorate entire body

    Relieve asthmatic symptoms

  • Improve connection to gut feeling and intuition allowing for clearer decision making

    Shortcut the benefits of meditation (whilst being a lot more fun)

    Learn new skills that bring a sense of self empowerment

    Achieve greater capacity for embodiment and “living in the moment”

    Cultivate inspiration and a greater capacity for moments of insight and creativity

    Improved ability to understand, empathise with and connect with others.

    Feel a deeper sense of connection to nature

    Explore the potential for self-transcendent experience

The benefits for

  • Breathwork is simple and inexpensive to implement – It can be easily incorporated into existing business rhythms, making it an accessible and affordable way to improve employee wellbeing. This can lead to fewer sick days, more “present” staff, and employees who are happier and healthier.

  • Breathwork is an effective way to build team cohesion and foster a positive work culture. Increased resilience and emotional self-sufficiency among team members leads to a more collaborative atmosphere. By incorporating breathing into the workplace, you can create a healthier, more productive, and more positive environment for your team.

  • Stress can have a major impact on productivity levels. workers who are feeling stressed are more likely to make mistakes, and they're less likely to be creative or come up with new ideas. Stress levels within society area at an all time high.

    By introducing some simple breathing exercises into the workplace, employees can manage stress more effectively and boost productivity levels at the same time.

How it works

Your body is listening to how you’re breathing right now.

How you breathe doesn’t just determine the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in your body – breath patterns impact your heart rate, blood chemistry, blood pressure, nervous system, and hormones. Not only that but they change the rhythm of your brain waves, the activity of modal networks, and neural growth. Breathing even impacts you on a genetic level – affecting the health of the DNA in every cell in your body.

Once we bring consciousness into these relationships, and understand how to improve them, we can write better instructions into our physiology with every breath we take.

Learning how to improve your breathing, even by just 1%, can be life-changing.

Our mission is simple, we want to give you life-changing tools through mind-opening experiences.

“What the Airheads are offering is a truly unique approach, I highly recommend their work.”

— Vidyamala Burch OBE,
Award-winning health author &
Founder of Breathworks CIC

Start the adventure today.